
Celebrating and Supporting Neurodiversity

Freo Wellbeing offers a comprehensive package of support for people on the Autistic Spectrum. We offer a holistic wrap around service, from diagnosis to ongoing support.

Autism is a lifelong, developmental condition that affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people, and how they experience the world around them. Many people feel that their Autism is a fundamental part of their identity and want to embrace and celebrate their neurodiversity. Some people may experience difficulties associated with Autism and may be looking for support.

The way we talk about Autism keeps changing as we learn more about it. We at Freo Wellbeing, look forward to learning more from you if you decide to share your journey with us.

Autism Spectrum

We use the word “spectrum” to explain the range of difficulties and presentations. For example, some people with Autism have Learning Disabilities or Mental Health issues. Some people with Autism may not have any verbal language while others may achieve highly in school or university. No two people with Autism will have exactly the same difficulties. Women with Autism can express themselves quite differently to men, for example by using adaptive or “masking” strategies to fit in with society. People who are non-binary or gender fluid may also experience unique difficulties with Autism.

Difficulties Associated with Autism

  • Social communication and interactions with others: verbal and non-verbal communication

  • Social isolation, difficulties in making and keeping friends

  • Difficulties in adapting to changes in routine with a need for structure and predictability

  • Repetitive behaviours or routines 

  • Difficulties with the way your senses work, such as over or under sensitivity to lights, sounds or textures, sometimes foods 

  • Seeking sensory input or blocking overwhelming outside noises, sights etc by “stimming” that is making repetitive movements, or sounds, 

  • Highly focussed interests or hobbies

  • Extreme anxiety

Want to Learn More?

If you would like to learn more about Autism, Freo Wellbeing offers a range of online training sessions delivered by SALT, Psychiatrists and Occupational Therapy.

Training Courses coming.


 If you are seeking an Autism diagnosis for yourself, your child, or other family member then Freo Well-being can help. We offer a robust and thorough assessment and diagnostic service for children and adults. All assessments are fully online, and the service is easy to access.

 Click here for Autism Diagnosis.

Freo Wellbeing Autism Support Services

  • Online training from Speech and language Therapy (SALT): Autism Overview: Presentation in Childhood and Adulthood, Communication tips for working with people with Learning Disabilities and Autism, Intensive Interaction: supporting non-verbal people with Learning Disabilities and Autism to develop social interaction skills, Basic signing: supporting and enhancing communication development  

  • Online Training from Occupational Therapy (OT): Sensory issues, creating a sensory tool kit.

Access all these courses here:

  • Speech and Language Therapy (SALT): Social Communication Groups, Social Communication and Cognition Drop-in Sessions (with guest hosts), Individual Assessments for Communication Difficulties, Individual Therapy, Individual Social Skills Training and Consultation Services:     to SALT

  • Occupational Health (OT): Sensory Assessments, Sensory Integration Support, Sensory Diet Advice, Lifestyle Support.                                                                                                        to OT

  • Psychiatry: Support with Anxiety, Behaviour Modification and Self-Management, medication,                                                                                                                         to Psychiatry 

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): to help to understand how Behaviours, Thoughts and Emotions affect each other.
                                              to CBT

  • Nutritional Therapy: Hypersensitivity to certain Foods or Additives? Limiting food intake due to texture sensitivity.
                                             to Nutrition 

  • Relaxation and Well-being Therapies: Freo offers Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness, Dance, Art Classes and more.

  • Carer support: Training, Counselling, Group Access coming.
