Beating Addiction - An Alternative to the 12 Steps

  1. Recognise that you need help to overcome this problem. A help which is potentially beyond even your hardest effort, and which, without help, your life and relationships could be destroyed.

  2. Seek available professional help to overcome this Obstacle in your life.

  3. Actively learn to love yourself. Without this, you will fail time and time again. Forgive yourself, succeed for you and avoid dwelling in shame.

  4. Know that you can defeat the Monster that is Addiction, permanently. You can be free, because the mind is more powerful than the body. Develop your mental strength. Remember your support systems.

  5. Free yourself from labels. You do not have to remain a ‘recovering addict’ or introduce yourself as such. That was in your past. You are recovered. You are trying, and are doing your best.

“Surround yourself with people who add value to your life.”

6. Grow strong, mentally and physically. Treat your body like a temple. Only take in what will be good for it, honour it and make it carry and serve you— for years, hopefully.

7. Surround yourself with people who add value to your life. Arms length to those who don’t, and delete those who negatively impact on your life mentally and physically. Man is a social animal. Be ruthless with this to survive.

8. When you have survived and done the above, reach out and help others. You cannot help others when you’re drowning. You can help others when you’re in a safe place and have survived.

9. Never forget that your body knows you better than anyone else and will always be with you where friends, family and professionals may not. Therefore, avoid temptation. A point may come when you can be around the addiction and not succumb but at that time you would have reached a state of true understanding of self love and self worth. Until then, keep away.

10. Have a positive vision of who you are, want to be and where you want to go. Do not be afraid of this vision. Pursue it. Dream it. Sleep it. Eat it. Believe it. Work towards it. Keep busy.

11. Employ every resource in the Universe to achieve this , whether it be via a relationship with your God, coach, peers, partner, family or other belief system. Whatever resource you believe in, spend quality time with this, learn, understand, respect and benefit from the resource.

12. Be blessed, and be a blessing.

Written by Dr. Isioma Nwokolo.

Setting Boundaries

